Budavári Királyi Palota

Budavári Királyi Palota

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2009. október 10., szombat

VI. Mohammed Marokkói Király gratulál Obamának a Nobel Béke Díjhoz

HM King Mohammed VI congratulates Obama on 2009 Nobel Peace Prize

Rabat - HM King Mohammed VI congratulated US president Barack Obama on the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize he has been awarded.

"I was particularly pleased to hear you have deservedly been awarded the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize, in recognition of your sincere, untiring action and strong, personal commitment to consolidating international peace and security, since taking office as President of the United States of America," the king said in a message to Obama.

The monarch stressed that "this outstanding international award constitutes a tribute not only to your clear-sighted decisions and constructive initiatives to promote peace in the world - especially in the Middle East region - but also to your untiring action to curb the proliferation of nuclear weapons and reduce the world's stockpile of these weapons."

In this connection, the sovereign recalled the invitation Obama recently issued for a Nuclear Security Summit and his “praiseworthy initiative” to call for this meeting, which, he said, attest to the president’s keen interest he takes in this issue.

The monarch added that he is sure “this international prize will further enhance your determination to keep up your praiseworthy action in order to promote confidence between different peoples, civilizations and faiths and bring them closer to each other, particularly by pursuing your constructive approach to relations between the West and the Islamic world, and by working to secure a better future for mankind.”

HM King Mohammed VI assured Obama of Morocco's “unwavering support for your lofty, unrelenting action to achieve peace, security, stability and shared prosperity in the world,” saying that “my country also supports your efforts to uphold the universal values of freedom, democracy, solidarity, justice and brotherhood, and to promote the lofty ideals of human rights to which both our peoples are deeply committed.”


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