Budavári Királyi Palota

Budavári Királyi Palota

Támogatja Nagy-Magyarország, a Magyar Királyság területeinek egyesítését!

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2009. július 10., péntek

Angol Királyi Kerti Party

Garden Parties

Garden Parties

With tea, cakes and a beautiful garden to stroll in, garden parties are among the most relaxed and informal Royal events.

Every summer, The Queen hosts at least three at Buckingham Palace, as well as one at the Palace of Holyroodhouse in Edinburgh. Over 30,000 people attend.

Garden parties have been held at Buckingham Palace since the 1860s, when Queen Victoria instituted what were known as 'breakfasts' (though they took place in the afternoon). In the 1950s the number of garden parties held at Buckingham Palace was increased from two to three a year. They took the place of presentation parties attended by debutantes, but have evolved into a way of rewarding and recognising public service. They are attended by people from all walks of life.


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